Proud Supporters of the People’s Pantry


Did you know that 31% of children in Stoke-on-Trent live in low-income households?

33% of parents miss meals so they can afford to feed their children.

73% of families earn less than £15,000 and can’t afford to buy food in the school holidays.

The People’s Pantry was set up by the Alice Charity, working to combat these shocking statistics by supporting disadvantaged families across Stoke and Newcastle. Unlike other foodbanks, it doesn’t use a referral system and is open daily to any family in need, providing a three-day emergency supply of food, baby products and toiletries.

At amb, we truly support the work that the Alice Charity do and the difference they’re making to local families in need of support. We decided we wanted to do more for the charity in order to make it as easy as possible for others to donate food and other supplies.

We came up with the idea of designing sturdy, re-usable foodbank boxes and handing them out to local businesses with all necessary contact and donation details printed on the box. The Alice Charity then collect the items when the boxes are full.

What can you do to help?


The People’s Pantry isn’t funded so is solely dependent on donations. Without support from volunteers, and donations from the public, the foodbank wouldn’t be able to continue the great work that they do. They’re always in need of dried, tinned or boxed long-life products, just avoid donating fresh food or open, broken and out-of-date items.

You can either donate directly to the People’s Pantry if you’re a business, store one of our boxes in your office or staff room. To request a box, email Once the box needs emptying, all you need to do is to contact the Alice Charity and they will come and collect the items.

How can I help?

Email Sian at AMB at and she will deliver your box to you

Nudge your staff every once in a while, send an email round and remind them that it is the regular donations that keep the People’s Pantry going

Have a dress down day once a month and use the money generated to buy donations

Call the Alice Charity when your box is full on 01782 627017

Keep in touch with us – follow us on Facebook to see how the People’s Pantry is doing and how your donations are helping

Contact amb insurance today to get your box delivered start helping the community of Stoke-on-Trent.

Email to find out more ways you can support the Alice Charity.